Marvin is the ultimate tool to visualise and analyse MaNGA data
Newly redesigned to be sleek, simple, and intuitive. The Web is your front-end experience to search, explore, and visualize the MaNGA dataset.
Brings the specfic data you want directly to you. The API allows you to access the data remotely and integrate it directly into workflow scripts.
An extensive Python suite of tools designed to give you complete progammatic control over the MaNGA dataset in a convienent way.
The Builders
Marvin was painstakingly built by:

Brian Cherinka
Lead Developer

Brett Andrews
Lead Developer

José Sánchez-Gallego
Lead Developer

Joel Brownstein
Lead Developer
We are the members of the SDSS MaNGA survey working to create the very best experience for large sample IFU data access, exploration, and visualization.